Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cómo eliminar el complemento (extensión) Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant para Firefox

Microsoft, en su linea de prepotencia y falta de respeto para los usuarios (que al final y al cabo son el común de los mortales, el pueblo), (no) nos ha sorprendido con una instalación automática, sin previo aviso, de una extensión para el navegador Mozilla Firefox.

Dejando de lado las motivaciones y prejuicios que pueda causar (se comenta que afecta a la estabilidad del navegador, con lo cual  puede parecer un ataque al competidor número uno del navegador de Microsoft, Internet Explorer, así como a los derechos de los usuarios y es, en todo caso, una forma de forzarnos a usar su tecnología propietaria) y dado que no es posible desinstalarlo siguiendo el método sencillo habitual (aunque aparentemente se puede desinstalar, al reiniciar el navegador nos encontramos con que no se ha desinstalado y además el botón de desinstalar en la lista de complementos/extensiones/plugins aparece deshabilitado), voy a indicar los pasos necesarios para borrar o desinstalar el complemento de Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant de nuestro  navegador Firefox:

Eliminar (borrar) una clave o registro de la configuración de Firefox

       Para eliminar una clave de la conifguración del navegador Mozilla Firefox debemos seguir los siguientes pasos.
      1. Para llegar a la configuración: en la barra de direcciones del navegador escribir “about:config”, pulsar intro/enter y luego aceptar el aviso que nos muestra.
      2. Buscar la clave que queremos eliminar (bien siguiendo el listado, ordenado alfabéticamente, bien escribiendo el nombre de la clave o parte de él en el cuadro de texto “Filtrar").
      3. Pulsar con el botón derecho encima de la clave.
      4. En el menú contextual que aparece, pulsar en reiniciar.
      5. El cambio se hará efecitov al reiniciar el navegador (o cerrar todas las ventanas de Firefox y volver a abrir el navegador). La clave habrá desaparecido (si es una clave que se añadió después de instalar el Firefox, bien manualmente, bien por algún complemento o aplicación).

Friday, December 04, 2009

El código de los huevos europeos (huevo: significado numeración o código de barras)

      Actualmente la ley vigente exige (desde enero de 2004) que los huevos europeos lleven un código impreso. Gracias a ese código podemos saber la procedencia del huevo: el tipo de explotación, el país, la provincia y la explotación de la que procede.

      El primer dígito que aparece en la numeración impresa nos indica el tipo de explotación. La clasificación actual contempla cuatro tipos distintos:

      0. Producción ecológica: las gallinas son criadas con libertad de movimiento (similar a las gallinas camperas, pero con menor densidad en el gallinero) y la alimentación debe proceder en un 80% (mínimo) de agricultura ecológica. El uso de medicamentos está restringido.

     1. Gallina campera: las gallinas tienen la posibilidad de salir al aire libre.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

RatDVD: DVD compression format (what is...? How it works...?)

     With the DVD compression format called RatDVD you can backup all the content of a DVD in one file, easily playabe in the most of the multimedia players, like Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center 2005, BS player, WinDVD, Fusion Media Player... (see compatibility list, not complete).

    The best goal for RatDVD is the fact that you preserve all the DVD features (navigation browse, audio channels, different angles, comments, extras and video quality without information loss!). One DVD-9 (about 9Gb) is compressed with all the original content in one file (between 1 and 3Gb). When you play this file in your computer, you can use all the features, including original menus (in contrast to other file formats like XviD, DivX, mp4...).

Monday, October 05, 2009

The socialists return to the Greece's government

The socialists return to the government in Greece, after six years of conservative government. Probably the socialist PASOK will have absolute majority.

Today the greeks have gone to the polls and  they have punished conservatives for scandals, corruption and bad economic management.

George Papandreou is the leader of the PASOK and will be the new Prime Minister for a four-years term. He promised a 3 billion euro package on a platform of taxing the richest and helping the poor, with the proposite of stimulate the economy.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Irish referendum: the irish vote yes to Lisbon Treaty

Yesterday Ireland went to the polls and said yes to the Treaty of Lisbon.

67.1% of the votes went to the 'yes' and 32.9% of the voters said 'no'. The turnout was 58%.

The only party who support the rejection of the Reform Treaty was de Gerry Adams's Sinn Féin They think that this Treaty (and the European Constitution) should be modified and improved.

The irish ratification opens the door to the polland ratify. The other country which remains without ratify the Treaty is Czech Republic. His President, Václav Klaus, refuses to say if he ratifies the Treaty, but his Prime Minister is convinced that Treaty will be ratified by December (it must be ratified for all the European Union countries to be valid).

My personal opinion: maybe people should heard other opinions, about this subject, like the Gerry Adams or Václav Klaus, for example (people of opposite sign), and then to decide if this Treaty (as the European Constitution) is positive as it is. Czech President, in his speech in Brussels on the 19th of February (during the Czech  presidency of the E.U.), said very interesting things about E.U. integration and Lisbon Treaty.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Today Ireland votes the Treaty of Lisbon in second referendum

The irish go to the polls for decide if they ratify the Treaty of Lisbon or not.

This is the second referendum in Ireland. In 2008 a 53% of the voters said no to the Treaty of Lisbon (also known as Reform Treaty).

Now the last survey give the victory to the "yes" (46% votes yes, 29% votes no). The number of undecideds have been growing up.

The Reform Treaty was signed in Lisbon on 13 december 2007. This Treaty changes the workings of the European Union and it's considered the European Constitution replacement (the European Constitutions wasn't approved due the rejection of The Netherlands and France).

If finally wins the "no", the Reform Treaty will be extinguished. because  it must be ratify by all the E.U members. At the moment there are three countries that haven't  to ratify this treaty: Ireland, Czech Republic and Polland.

2016 Olympic Games: the host will be Rio de Janeiro

The 2016 Olympic Games elected organizer is  the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Brazil will organize the Olympics in 2016 and the FIFA World Cup in 2014.

Olympic Games 2016: Tokyo eliminated after second round

After second round, the Committee eliminates Tokyo.Now the final round.
The finalists are Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. The 2016 Olympic Games host will be announced at 18:30 (GMT+1).

Voting 2016 Olympic Games: Chicago eliminated in the first round

After first round of votation, Chicago has been eliminated. The other three candidates continue alive.
Now, the second round.